Dear business partners,
  we would like to invite you to participate in the ninth DOMEXPO Complex Building Exhibition
and the sixth independent section on wooden constructions
How to Build a Wooden House


  • Date: 24 - 27 April 2014
  • Parallel Exhibitions: Bonsai Slovakia
  • Gardenia

The independent section on wooden constructions, low-energy and passive houses was created as a result of an increased interest in new construction trends among the public. According to available statistics, the median age of visitors, who were considering construction, was 30. The exhibition has been well received by the public as is evidenced by the distance they were willing to travel in order to visit.
In addition to presentation of products and services in the building industry, contractors and retailers of wooden houses, the show will feature interesting discussions and panels on low-energy and passive houses. Free of charge counselling will be available to the public.

We look forward to seeing you

Ing.Holasová Mária
Exhibition manager